Welcome to the University of Alaska Anchorage! As Dean of Students, it is my pleasure to assist you in your academic, personal, and professional development while a student at UAA. The Office of the Dean of Students is staffed with experienced and talented individuals who are ready to support your educational journey. We are committed to a vision of student engagement that fosters your academic and personal growth both inside and outside the classroom.
These efforts include helping you make informed decisions related to your education, assistance negotiating the many opportunities and challenges that exist in a demanding academic environment, and identifying appropriate resources here at UAA and in the community that can make a big difference to students that may need support. We also work with a range of collaborative partners including academic departments and other administrative units on campus to create opportunities for students to integrate learning.
Students often find their way to the Dean of Students Office when they are not clear about where to turn for support and we are here to help you work through the questions and concerns that inevitably arise during the transition to college. Our priority is to make your student experience powerful and enriching and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Thanks for choosing UAA.
Ben Morton
Dean of Students
University of Alaska Anchorage
Dean of Students Office
Rasmuson Hall, Rm. 122
Anchorage, AK 99508-4614
(907) 786-1214
About the Student Handbook
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided herein. UAA reserves the right to make changes to any of the provisions, rules, or regulations at any time without prior notice. UAA provides the information herein solely for the convenience of the reader and, to the extent permissible by law, expressly disclaims any liability, which may otherwise be incurred.
The provisions of the Student Handbook do not constitute a contract, expressed or implied, between any applicant, student, or other person and UAA, the University of Alaska, or the UA Board of Regents.
Throughout this document, the terms "in writing" or "written" mean either in writing or through arrangements with Disability Support Services.
The UAA Student Handbook was last revised in May 2024.
The UAA Student Handbook is updated annually by the Dean of Students Office, reviewed, and then approved for publication by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
This handbook includes information on: