Dispute Resolution Procedures for Minor Sanction Decisions

The respondent may appeal a decision to impose a minor sanction. Appeals may be made on the basis that:

  1. a procedural error was made during the process which significantly impacted the finding or sanction;
  2. the sanctions imposed are substantially outside the parameters of guidelines set by the university for this type of offense or the  cumulative conduct record of the respondent;
  3. there is new information that was not available at the time of the decision that, if introduced and credible would have significantly impacted the finding or sanction. Any party's unwillingness to provide a statement or participate in the student conduct process will not satisfy this ground for appeal; or
  4. the decision is not supported by a preponderance of the evidence.

Appeals must be submitted in writing within seven days of the day the decision is sent to the student, and in accordance with Major Administrative Units of the University (MAU) rules and procedures. The MAU senior student services professional or designee will conduct a review of the record and will ordinarily render a decision within seven days of receipt of the appeal, barring extenuating circumstances. The MAU senior student services professional or designee may:

  1. uphold a decision and/or sanction;
  2. dismiss the case;
  3. alter or lessen a sanction;
  4. refer the matter back for further review;
  5. authorize a new administrative review; or
  6. take such other action as the senior student services officer or designee deems appropriate.

Except in cases referred for further proceedings, the decision of the MAU senior student services professional or designee constitutes the university's final decision on the matter. Notification to the affected students must be made in writing and in accordance with Regents' Policy and University Regulation.