Disciplinary action may be initiated by the University and disciplinary sanctions imposed against any student found responsible for committing, attempting to commit, or intentionally assisting in the commission of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty applies to examinations, assignments, laboratory reports, fieldwork, practicums, creative projects, or other academic activities.

The following examples constitute forms of academic dishonesty prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct and are not intended to define prohibited conduct in exhaustive terms, but rather to set forth examples to serve as guidelines for acceptable and unacceptable behavior:

  • presenting as their own the ideas or works of others without proper citation of sources;

  • utilizing devices not authorized by the faculty member;

  • using sources (including but not limited to text, images, computer code, and audio/video files) not authorized by the faculty member;

  • providing assistance without the faculty member’s permission to another student, or receiving assistance not authorized by the faculty member from anyone (with or without their knowledge);

  • submitting work done for academic credit in previous classes, without the knowledge and advance permission of the current faculty member;

  • acting as a substitute or utilizing a substitute;

  • deceiving faculty members or other representatives of the University to affect a grade or to gain admission to a program or course;

  • fabricating or misrepresenting data;

  • possessing, buying, selling, obtaining, or using a copy of any material intended to be used as an instrument of assessment in advance of its administration;

  • altering grade records of their own or another student’s work;

  • offering a monetary payment or other remuneration in exchange for a grade; or

  • violating the ethical guidelines or professional standards of a given program.