Children and Minors on Campus

This policy is currently under revision and will likely be changed during the 2024-2025 academic year. Please check back intermittently for updates.

UAA is a mixed environment of classrooms, offices, laboratories, recreation and other common areas. Visitors to campus are generally welcome and encouraged. However, appropriate precautions and limitations on visitation are necessary to protect health and safety and to maintain productivity and regulatory compliance. We strive to provide an environment open to work and family issues. However, safety is a primary concern when considering the presence of minors on campus.

The following guidelines enhance safety for our young visitors while maintaining an effective educational and working environment. Children are defined as those under the age of 13. Minors are defined by state statute as those under the age of 18.

General Guidelines for Children and Minors on UAA Campuses

  • Children are not be brought to campus on a regular basis in lieu of childcare;

  • A minor should not be left unattended while the parent or guardian is attending class or conducting any other business or social function on campus;

  • Line of sight supervision of children by the parent or guardian is required at all times;

  • The parent or guardian must assure that minors are not disruptive to others;

  • Employees must always obtain supervisory approval prior to bringing children into the workplace;

  • Minors are not allowed in high-risk areas such as laboratories, shops, studios, mechanical rooms, power plants, garages, animal facilities, food preparation areas, high-security areas, UA operations involving vehicles, or other high-risk areas (no playing in stairwells or doorways);

  • Minors, who are not enrolled UAA students, are not allowed in classrooms while classrooms are in session unless permission is granted by the faculty member. If a minor becomes disruptive, the faculty member may require the student and minor to leave;

  • Minors participating in university-sponsored or hosted events or camps must follow the guidelines established for those activities.

Go to the risk and safety webpage to see the full Minors on Campus Guidelines.

Secondary Student Enrollment Policy

Minors seeking enrollment in UAA courses must follow the Secondary Student Enrollment Policy found in the UAA catalog. The registration process at UAA requires all secondary school student applicants 17 or younger and their parents/guardians to complete a Student Parent/Guardian Authorization form. Signing the agreement signifies understanding of and agreement to the following:

  1. The University will not act in a parental or supervisory role. Any UAA-approved secondary school student under the age of 13 must be accompanied at all times and directly supervised by a parent or legal guardian while on a UAA campus;

  2. A parent or guardian may not attend a course in which their secondary school student is registered unless and until the parent or guardian is also officially registered for the course;

  3. A secondary school student who registers in university courses is fully responsible for complying with all policies and procedures of the university. This includes being aware of and adhering to the University Student Code of Conduct and any registration- or payment-related deadlines;

  4. Regardless of age, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) rights are transferred to the student upon registration. Parents/guardians will not be able to conduct business on students' behalf or access student records without the student first submitting the appropriate release form.

Go to the UAA catalog to see the Secondary Student Enrollment Policy.