Minor in National Defense, Strategic Studies and Leadership: Air Force Emphasis

Students majoring in another subject who wish to minor in national defense, strategic studies, and leadership, Air Force focus, must complete the following requirements. Students must earn at least 6 credits in residence in this field. They must also earn a UAA cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 (C). Students must complete the program’s upper-division coursework in its entirety. Students must declare this minor using the declaration of a minor form no later than the deadline to submit an application for graduation.

Term 1
AIRS A301Leading People and Effective Communication I3
AIRS A150US Air Force Leadership Laboratory1
Term 2
AIRS A302Leading People and Effective Communication II3
AIRS A150US Air Force Leadership Laboratory1
Term 3
AIRS A401National Security, Leadership Responsibilities, and Commissioning Preparation I3
AIRS A150US Air Force Leadership Laboratory1
Term 4
AIRS A402National Security, Leadership Responsibilities, and Commissioning Preparation II3
AIRS A150US Air Force Leadership Laboratory1
May be taken during any term
AIRS A201Team and Leadership Fundamentals I1
AIRS A202Team and Leadership Fundamentals II1

A minimum of 18 credits is required for the minor, of which 12 credits must be upper-division.